
We present ExpRunA, a Web-based Tool implementing a Domain-Specific Modeling approach, and a running infrastructure to support technology-oriented experiments.


The objectives are provide means to specify technology-oriented experiments at a high level of abstraction using ToExpDSL (our DSL) and enable automated execution and data analysis of such specification.


To build the components, we use Maven, JDK 8, and Docker. To run our tool, we rely on Docker and Docker Compose.


The whole solution comprises a Web-based tool, a database, an execution infrastructure, and an analysis infrastructure. Each component runs in a Docker container. We have already created a pre-built image for each component. However, we also provide their source-code and their Dockerfiles, in case it is necessary to recreate the images.

Web-based Tool

ExpRunA comprises a DSL editor, execution and analysis scripts generators, and commands to execute, monitor execution, and analyze the results. We built, installed, and configured the tool in a Docker image named eneiascs/dsm-framework.

However, if it is necessary to recreate the image, the folder docker/dsm-framework/ contains the Dockerfile and a script to create the image.

The script first builds the autoexp.war file using the command mvn clean install -P autoexp inside the folder Then, the script copies the autoexp.war file and runs the command docker build -t eneiascs/dsm-framework:1.0.0 . to build the image. The image name and version may be changed, if necessary.

The source-code of the tool is available on

  • br.unb.autoexp: contains the grammar (src/br/unb/autoexp/AutoExp.xtext), code generators (src/br/unb/autoexp/generator/), and validators (src/br/unb/autoexp/generator/) created using Xtext.
  • br.unb.autoexp.web: contans the supporting framework, which was implemented as a Web-based tool. We created the initial version using DSLFORGE. Then, we extendend and customized it with new commands (src/br/unb/autoexp/web/command/) to run applications in the infrastructure and to analyze the results.
  • br.unb.autoexp.tests: contains generators and validators unit tests.
  • contains the configurations to build the war file. Use the command mvn clean install -P autoexp inside this folder to build the war file.
  • target project with the plugins required to generated the artifacts from the grammar.
  • target project with the plugins required to generated the Web-based application.
  • Web-services client to access the database.
  • br.unb.autoexp.thirdparty: used to create OSGI bundles from maven dependencies.
  • br.unb.autoexp.example: experimental plugin with a command to create an example of experiment specification.
  • br.unb.autoexp.template: experimentalnal plugin with a command to create an experiment specification from a Wizard Dialog.
  • br.unb.autoexp.ide, br.unb.autoexp.ui, br.unb.autoexp.ui.tests: used to create an Eclipse IDE plugin. They are not used in the Web-based tool.

Execution Infrastructure

We use a fork of Dohko to run the applications.

We built it in a Docker image named eneiascs/dohko-job.

Analysis Infrastructure

To analyze and present the results, we use R, Sweave, and LaTeX. We create a Docker image with all the packages required to run the analysis script in the Docker image eneiascs/dsm-r-base-api.

The supporting framework uses an API to request this infrastructure to analyze the analysis script.

The source-code of this API is in the folder br.unb.autoexp.r-base-api.

The Dockerfile and the script to build this image are in docker/dsm-storage-api.


We use MongoDB as a database to store application data and execution results.

We use the oficial Docker image mongo. In addition, we created an API to access the database in the Docker image eneiascs/dsm-storage-api.

The source-code of this API is in the folder

The Dockerfile and the script to build this image are in docker/dsm-r-base-api.

Running ExpRunA

The file docker-compose.yml contains the configuration necessary to run all the Docker containers containing the components. This file also loads some environment variables defined in the file .env.

To run all the components, use the command docker-compose up.

If necessary, change cpuset and mem_limit according to your machine resources.

It is also possible to split the execution in several machines. In this case, create a docker-compose.yml for each service, and set the URLs accordingly.

Using ExpRunA

After ExpRunA is running, open the URL http://localhost/autoexp/texteditor, or replace localhost with the IP address, if accessing from another machine.

ExpRunA is an Eclipse RAP application. For this reason, it looks like the Eclipse IDE.

Creating a new Project

Click on File, New then Project.

Insert the project name, and then click on Finish.

Creating a new Model

Right-click on the project folder, then select New, then Model.

Insert the model name with the extension .exp, then click on Finish.

Editing the Model

Double-click the model file, then use the editor to create the model.

Generating the scripts

Once the model is created, right-click on the model file, then click on Generate. The generated files are placed in the folder src-gen.

Running the experiment

Right-click on the model file, then click on Generate and Run. This command generate the scripts and run them. First, the execution script is executed using Dohko. While running, the execution status is presented to the user. After the execution finishes, the analysis script is executed.

Each execution creates a folder inside the folder executions. The folder and the generated files are copied to this folder. The execution results are written to data.json file. The analysis script generates a pdf file with the analysis report with the same name as the model file.

Execution status

To re-open the execution status while the applications are running, right-click on the execution folder (subfolder of executions), then click on Execution Status.

Analyzing the results

The analysis script is automatically executed after execution finishes. However, if you want to re-run it, right-click on the execution folder (subfolder of executions), then click on Run Analysis.

Evaluation Results and Replication of Experiments

We provide all the evaluation results and instructions for further replications on